Benefits of Sleepaway Camps

Benefits of Sleepaway Camps

  Sleepaway camp is about so much more than archery…  Here are ways that camp can help your child for life. Provided by guest writer, Jodi Woodnick, LCSW, of As we settle into cool mornings and short days, most people are thinking about...
JGPO Leave a Legacy Program!

JGPO Leave a Legacy Program!

The Jones-Gordon Parent Organization (JGPO) is very excited about our Leave a Legacy program! We are pleased to extend the opportunity for you to demonstrate your part in the legacy of our school by purchasing an engravable, customized brick. Jaguar Legacy...
2021-22 Parent Educ. Series Returns!

2021-22 Parent Educ. Series Returns!

S A V E   T H E   D A T E S !  View/download a 2021-2022 Parent Education Series flyer! Topics include: Your Child’s Frontal Lobe, Your Role, Organization at Home, Managing Homework | Presented by: Adrienne Springfield (LS), Jen Nimlo-Edmonds (HS), Dana Herzberg (Head...