OCT: a month of Prevention & Awareness

OCT: a month of Prevention & Awareness

Did you know? The month of October is National Bullying Prevention Month as well as Dyslexia and ADHD Awareness Month. Although at JGS we continually address each of these areas through various programming, we are currently placing a special emphasis on Bullying...
Q2 Clubs Now Enrolling

Q2 Clubs Now Enrolling

        Second Quarter Clubs begin right after Fall Break!   Henna Club Grades 5-12; Instructor: Ms. Jenn Tuesdays, Now THURSDAYS, 3:45-4:45 PM Cost: $180 Enroll today!   Candy-Making Club All Grades; Instructor: Ms. Lorraine Mondays,...
Leaders in Science/ STEM Showcase

Leaders in Science/ STEM Showcase

Thurs, Oct 3, from 9:30-10:30a is Lower School’s Leaders in Science/STEM Showcase! The JGS Foundations class (1st & 2nd grades) has prepared an Astronaut Training Center, where students will demonstrate space and light experiments for visitors. Get ready for...
JGS Gives Back

JGS Gives Back

Our “change war” for the Global Giving Hurricane Dorian Relief Fund continues through this Friday, Oct 4, The School (LS, MS, or HS) that raises the most money wins a party. What’s more, if we all raise at least $1000, (about $8/family if everyone...