Arizona's private dyslexia school
The Jones-Gordon School
Paradise Valley, Arizona

Intervention & Learning Tools
Here at JGS, we believe you can always add tools to your learning toolbox. Read below about some of our most-used tools.
The Science of Reading
The science of reading has culminated in a preponderance of evidence to inform how proficient reading and writing develop; why some have difficulty; and how we can most effectively assess and teach and, therefore, improve student outcomes through prevention of and intervention for reading difficulties.
The Science of Reading: Defining Guide provides a firm definition of what the science of reading is, what it is not, and how all stakeholders can understand its potential to transform reading instruction.
Structured Literacy
via Wilson Language Training®
What is Structured Literacy?
Structured Literacy is a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction grounded in the science of reading that research has shown is effective for all students and essential for students with dyslexia. The instruction emphasizes highly explicit and systematic teaching of all of the foundational elements that are critical for reading and writing proficiency. These include phonemic awareness, phonics and word recognition, fluency, vocabulary, listening and reading comprehension and written expression.
To learn more, click here.

Scarborough's Reading Rope
UFLI Foundations
UFLI Foundations strikes the perfect balance between structure and responsiveness to students’ needs. The program features ample opportunities for students to practice, along with built-in gradual release. It provides teachers with detailed lesson plans, a PowerPoint slide deck to accompany each lesson, and downloadable materials for homework or center activities.
UFLI Foundations targets the following foundational reading skills:
- Phoneme blending and segmentation practice
- Accuracy and automaticity of grapheme-phoneme correspondences
- Decoding automaticity of words with previously learned concepts
- Explicit introduction of new concepts
- Decoding and encoding practice
- Reading and spelling irregular words
- Reading and spelling connected text
To learn more, click here.