FLEX Educator, Wilson Dyslexia Therapist

Middle School Math Educator

With JGS since 2015

Sandee is launching her remarkable 10th year at JGS with renewed passion and energy!! After obtaining a bachelor’s in marketing from the University of Arizona, she went on to earn her post-baccalaureate and master’s degrees in Curriculum & Instruction from Chapman University. Sandee has now been an educator for 25 years. Prior to joining JGS, as a public school math specialist, Sandee helped improve the skills of students labeled “at-risk.” She has also created & conducted seminars for other teachers helping them discover new and innovative ways to reach students. Sandee teaches a middle school math class and spends the rest of her day as a FLEX teacher. Sandee has completed her Level II Wilson® Certification­—a “dream come true” for this dedicated teacher!

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