Qtr 3 Clubs – Register Today!

Dec 16, 2020

Register for Quarter 3 Clubs today! All clubs begin the week of Jan 11 (the 2nd week following break).

See club details here: Q3Clubs2020-21

To enroll: sign in to MyJGS and click on “Forms to Review” (yellow banner toward the top of the screen).

All fees are charged through myJGS (SMART Tuition). No refunds can be given for missed sessions. A Late Fee will be charged for any student remaining on campus 10 minutes after the club is dismissed for pick-up. Any questions regarding clubs can be emailed to: [email protected].


JUST ADDED: Fiber Art Club for High School Students!

Explore the creative arts of weaving, rainbow looming, and crocheting. With a variety of fiber materials such as yarn, fabric, and embroidery thread club members will learn how to make many different woven and sewn projects.