We’re grillin’ on the first Friday of the following months during the 2018-2019 school year (instead of the regularly scheduled Hot Lunch):
Sept 7
Nov 2
Dec 14
Jan 11
Feb 1
Mar 1
Apr 5
Meal with one burger = $7
Meal with two burgers = $8
Meals include hamburger fixings, chips, & fruit.
Featuring organic produce, grass-fed beef, kettle-cooked chips, and gluten-free/vegetarian/vegan options.
Order & pay all at once, or select and pay as you go! (Note that orders MUST be placed on the Monday prior to each BBQ). Bring cash or check (payable to The Jones-Gordon School) to the front office (during drop-off/pick-up only, please!).
Download a First Fridays BBQs 2018-19 flyer!